Meet Mariam


Mariam works with singles, couples and groups, sharing skills, knowledge and tools on how to develop deeper emotional and sexual intimacy in relationship with one’s self and in relationship with other.

Mariam is particularly passionate about providing clients and practitioners the tools and resources they require to hold safe passage for the integration of trauma and traumatic events.

Mariam believes that everyone has the capacity and deserves to live a life that is full, rich and deeply in-love with all their being.

“In my experience in the 10 years of working with individuals on integrating and healing from traumatic events, I have learnt that trauma and challenging events in our lives can be the greatest catalysts for our growth and a natural aspect of our lived human experience and adult development.

I believe these experiences and the painful effects of trauma such as feeling disconnected from our bodies, our selves and those we love, can be powerful catalysts to diving deeper to understand our bodies, their messages and learning to read, and appropriately respond to our body’s needs.

Once we have these tools, we have the resilience to INTEGRATE all of life challenges as opportunities to grow deeper in intimacy with oneself, others and the world.

Re-connecting to feel our body’s messages, feeling our emotions and learning to be with them and respond to them at a somatic level, allows us to integrate our emotions and experiences.

This is an essential life skill and necessary for healthy adult development. Developing this depth of intimacy with one’s body allows us to have a deep appreciation for our selves, our body, our sexuality and sensuality.

To explore our selves in this way is to begin a life long relationship and passionate love affair with oneself and one’s body. It is to learn to be safe once more in the only true home we have- our bodies.

It is to build the strength and self appreciation to hear and honour our “no thank you’s” and joyously revel in our full body “YES!”.

It is to reclaim our erotic innocence, our radiance, our aliveness, our innate sensuality and the sensuality and sexuality innate in all of life.

It is to claim our life long sexual health and vitality as our own greatest healer, wisest consult and care-taker.

Come and join me on this life long learning journey.”

Mariam spent 5 years working as a Psychologist with individuals who had experienced severe and chronic cumulative emotional and sexual abuse, leading to chronic mental “illness”.

“Over the years working in the mental health field, I realised that despite years of talk therapy, feeling uninspired by the disempowering model of “practitioner-client,” and the people I was supporting simply were not “healing” and often, were re-living their trauma in our sessions.

I also began to recognise my own sexual trauma as a teenager, resurfacing as numbness, fear and anxiety around any form of physical intimacy in my partnership.

The unintegrated trauma had me experienced constant triggers that I was unaware of, severe fatigue from having my nervous system on constant fight-flight mode, leading to adrenal fatigue, severe anxiety and panic attacks and bouts of long term depression.

I had constant UTI infections, yeast infections, extremely painful and life draining periods. I had developed long standing irritable syndrome. I felt no desire, and sex was painful, numb, scary and disconnecting for me.

I knew that talk therapy was only going to take me so far and that I HAD to find my way back home to myself and reclaim my life. And that I did. I found the support and mentorship, training and resources I needed to heal and discover my own wisdom and learn to trust it again.

I do this work because I KNOW how deeply I needed empowering, professional, integritous, compassionate, and understanding support. So, I have become this safe space for myself and I offer this safe space and support to you, now.