Come home, dear sister
Women’s Somatic Embodiment Retreats
Come home to your
Hello, I am Mariam.
I have been supporting women to come into deep safety, intimacy and remembering of their body’s innate wisdom and wholeness through Yoni Mapping Therapy for the last 10 years.
Over this time, I have come to know the deep healing power of presence and deeply attuned spaces in creating the safety, co-regulation, attunement and listening that the female body and womb need to awaken to feeling deeply again, to release stress and integrate trauma and remember the safety and find the resources to restore the integrity of it’s boundaries, it’s true rhythm and pace and sense of needs and desires.
I visioned this retreat with a deep prayer for us as women to be held together in this practice of Yoni Massage - a ritual space of devotion, nurturance and compassion. Where we come with a practice of no judgement, deep permission to slow down, presence and permission to attune to ourselves and one another, to find the easeful breath again and to hold space for our coming home to ourselves, our innate wisdom and belonging, together.
In slowness we may begin to unfurl the body into rested pleasure - the deep pleasure that comes from being deeply rested in the parasympathetic state of safety and an attunement to the subtle messages of our body.
Here are some of the outcomes we have the opportunity to cultivate through our practice over the time of our journey together:
embodied connection to your womb, her guidance and voice.
the resolution of long held blocks around your sexuality, femininity, ability to surrender, to feel safe in your body and voice boundaries, needs and desires with ease inside and outside of the bedroom.
discovering the power and safety in your femininity and the safety to deeply surrender in your body.
integrating trauma (sexual and non-sexual) to open ease, joy, pleasure and presence in your sexual connections and everyday life.
reprograming your nervous system and sexuality to experience relaxed, deeply safe, embodied, present, long lasting and deeper pleasure in your body.
Finding true beauty in your feminine body and radiance, the aliveness of presence in your body and the joy of experiencing the world through this embodied presence.
Learning the art of Tantric Yoni Massage Ritual and how to create safety, attunement, depth of intimacy and care for your body and that of another’s. Learn the art of tantric transfiguration, polarity and surrender that is in integrity with your boundaries.
Read further down to the bottom to learn more about some of the other practices we will be moving through during this retreat.
This retreat is for the woman who knows that there rests a deep power within them that they are yearning to unearth.
This retreat is for the woman who is deeply yearning to live life in deep trust of her body, her softness and strength and her deep feminine knowing.
This is for the woman who has felt dry, disconnected and displaced from her connection to her body, her womb, her lust for life and her aliveness and is ready to find her way back to the pulse of her womb, her life force, her radiance and power as woman.
This is for the woman that craves to rediscover the deep safety of integrity and fiercely loving sisterhood. The woman that is ready to open to the deep sense of belonging to herself, her body, her sisterhood and the world at large.
This is for the woman yearning and ready to reclaim her divine birth right to the abundance of life and her worthiness as a woman.
This is for the woman ready to meet within her own body the Divine.

What Does a Typical Day Look Like?
8:00 - 9:00 Morning Practice
9:00 - 10:00 Breakfast
10:00 - 13:00 Morning Session
13:00 - 16:00 Lunch and Free Time
16:00 - 19:00 Afternoon Sessions
19:00 onwards Dinner and free time
Please note that our schedule can change according to the needs of the group
Some of the themes and practices we will explore together
Guided by tantric principles, you will be journeying through dance, meditation and ritual practices to unearth deep medicine, resources, wisdom and buried aspects of yourself that long to be fully expressed and find power within you.
You will rediscover the innocence, power and safety of your sexuality and femininity to rest in the stillness of your body whilst allowing the energy of e-motion to move through you and alchemise into your power, clarity and purpose.
This is retreat is right for you if you have often felt controlled by your sexuality, afraid of it or been violated or felt unsafe in your body and found yourself disconnected from your body, womb, sexuality, power and purpose.
Our retreat is trauma informed and a safe space for you to be held in whatever comes up to be integrated. Please refer to the FAQ for more on this.
We will be using theatre and role play to explore the inner critic and the Drama Triangle- two external societal forces of conditioning that take away our power and keep us stuck in patterns of drama. These are the “blue-beard” or internal “nay-sayer” and saboteur that act as captors of the feminine psyche and it’s healthy instinct.
We will be spending a lot of our time in tantric yoni massage ritual- returning the body, womb and sexuality back to innocence and sacredness, healing trauma and learning embodied boundaries, consent and how to ask for our needs to find safety and integrity between the mind and body and restore our connection between mind, body and spirit.
These practices will also be restoring our connection to sisterhood and the feminine and the joy of giving and receiving as a reciprocity with life.
You will be guided in self reflection to journal on key aspects of your experience in life and your psychic realms.
You will be held safely to share in circle with sisters who celebrate, support, see and feel you in your truth, power and gifts.
As a community of sisterhood, you will be called deeply into self -accountability and experience the power of embodied boundaries, conscious consent that moves energetically through the body and refine your skills for energetic attunement, tantric presence and polarity.
You will learn the fundamental needs that your body has to create deep safety, relaxed pleasure and embodied surrender.
Just as important as our time together, is our time out to just “be” to allow all that we uncover to settle in the soil of our consciousness and begin to integrate into our way of being.
There will be extended breaks to spend time integrating as you choose.
The journey looks different from one retreat to another.
In a lot of ways, each retreat is bespoke and I am led to guide by what is most needed by the group.
Oct 29-Nov 3, 2024
Sedona, Arizona
3 meals a day, Omnivorous or plant based diet of locally, ethically sourced produce
Upcoming Retreat
$2,500 USD - shared twin bunk room
$3,000 USD - queen private room
*early bird till Sept 15; prices increase by $200USD thereafter.
$1000 USD non-refundable deposit upon your application being approved, then full remaining balance by Oct 1, 2024
Payment plans available for those who need it.
*Please note this does not include airfares or insurance or travel to/from retreat venue.
Experiences from the Retreat
“I feel like I came back to life, back into my body, back into alignment and integrity with myself. It has been medicine to my soul.”
“I can honestly say I’ve never been on a retreat where such deep love and bonds were formed. What a gift this retreat has been to find such a beautiful sisterhood, where I know we will always be there to champion and support each other.”
“Mariam is a special, magical person. I went to the depths of claiming my longing while feeling so safe, held, and loved over a mere 5 days. If you feel even an inkling of a call to work closer with Mariam, just do it. She is pure magic and the world is a better place with her in it.”
Our latest retreat in the hinterland of
Byron Bay, Australia

You are welcome to this retreat entirely! There are no prerequesites, only a deep desire to lean in and get curious about who you are outside of your own conditioned and pre-conceived ideas and have some fun! However, we will discuss if this is the right time for you and if you are ready to lean in, because we want you to get the best out of this experience if you are coming along.
Whilst reading the retreat description, you might have felt a longing, a remembering or a sense of excitement mixed with a little fear of the unknown. If you feel pulled, curious or a “I really need this”, or “this could really help me” and perhaps a “but what if?”, then this retreat could be for you. Book in a chat and we can have a feel into it together.
It’s especially important you book in a chat if you feel you really need this sort of support but feel afraid or unsure of something here. Talking it out, feeling into me and my presence and support and asking questions is an important part of this process for both of us.
If you have active trauma at the moment- as in, you are experiencing flashbacks, nightmares of a traumatic event or have had a recent relapse/re-trigger of the trauma and it’s causing you to have consistent ruminating thoughts, anxiety or phobia, insomnia or affecting your appetite and everyday life it is HIGHLY recommended that you do not attend retreats and instead seek trauma therapy one on one.
Yes, payment plans are available and can be arranged once you have applied and put down your deposit. Once you have made your deposit, you will be asked to book a call with me to meet over video where we can negotiate an appropriate payment plan.
This is a tightly held space where we will be journeying together the whole time, this means that arriving later or leaving earlier will not be appropriate for this container. We will all be meeting between 5-6pm on the 29th October at the Venue and leaving at 10:30 on the morning of the 3rd Nov from the venue.
You will be held in a space where you will be resourced and supported to move through what ever shows up in your body in a regulated and present way. From this space is a profound opportunity to integrate these traumatic memories in your body and release the stress and emotion surrounding the experiences to find, resource, unlock this energy to find its healthy and liberated expression and feel empowered to feel at a new depth and capacity.
Yes, all dietary requirements and diets can be catered for upon request. Please stipulate your requirements and diet in the application form. However, you will need to feel comfortable to eat amongst your fellow sisters who may need a different diet to you.
This retreat is not one where diet is seen as a matter of spirituality or political ideology. Food in this container is a matter of every person getting the medicine and nourishment they need to show up in the container for themselves and the group. Understanding, tolerance, maturity and grace are the principles upon which this container rest. In agreeing to join this container you will be expected to and agree to uphold these principles.