Yoni Mapping Therapy
“Yoni” is the Sanskrit word for vagina, meaning ‘sacred space’. The vagina is indeed a sacred space, it is literally the place from which human life is birthed!
Yoni Mapping Therapy is a holistic practice dedicated to supporting women to connect to the knowing of this sacred space and the honouring of it’s power.
It also allows for the release any shame, distrust, disgust or traumatic memory, at the body level, to restore a sense of innocence, trust, power, devotion and pleasure in the relationship you have with your yoni and your body as a woman.
As a holistic practice, Yoni Mapping Therapy encompasses the care of your physical body, mind, spirit, sexuality and nervous system.
Even though we sometimes work quite specifically, there’s nothing we are trying to change or fix, or any goal we are trying to reach.
Yoni Mapping sessions are about being present with whatever is arising, without judging or labelling anything as ‘good’ or ‘bad’. We’re just exploring and learning about YOUR unique body and pelvic space.
All of you is welcome and accepted – whatever that looks like!
Yoni Mapping Therapy with me is also a safe space for any trauma that arises to be integrated.
Sessions with me are slightly different to standard Yoni Mapping Therapy Sessions. I have integrated a modality called Somatic Experiencing into my practice to provide you with the added support necessary to safely and easefully integrate any trauma that may arise in our session.
How does trauma show up in the body?
According to the leading specialists in trauma research, Bassel Van der Kolk and Professor Peter Levine, trauma is stored in the cellular and implicit memory of the body. A body that is carrying excess stress in the nervous system from trauma often struggles to find homeostasis and can be locked in a sympathetic response that looks like anxiety, depression, disconnection from the body and a sense of apathy or disinterest in things that used to be of interest.
In women’s sexuality, it often expresses as feeling disconnected from one’s sexuality, the yoni and body, having low libido or hyper sexuality, feeling numb, pain, stinging or aching on penetration.
It can also express as chronic conditions such as PMS, infertility, recurrent infection, Lichen Sclerosis, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, IBS or painful periods.
For this reason, Yoni Mapping Therapy with someone who is skilled in holding space for the integration of trauma can be extremely supportive in resourcing the body to release and integrate such trauma and bring blood flow, spaciousness and regeneration to the womb.
Trauma often arises in such contexts as Yoni Mapping Therapy and it is absolutely essential, in my experience, that practitioners have the necessary skills to safely integrate any trauma that arises, to prevent re-traumatization and ensure clients are provided the most skilled support to address the root of their challenges.
Beautiful Mariam, from my heart to yours, another thank you! Reflecting on our time together it was illuminating, empowering and heart opening. Thank you for guiding the way for me to reconnect to my essence, to my yoni, to my femininity. It feels so good!!
Resistance has melted away, a sense of vitality has been born, a reconnected way of being sparked.. and I am eager to continue, tending to my own heart fire, which will keep the fire burning bright in my partnership. My playful, sensual aspects have been remembered and I feel so satisfied nurturing my feminine.”
- Anonymous
Benefits of this Modality
Relaxing pelvic tension and helping to relieve pain
Restoring awareness to areas of numbness internally
Supporting muscle engagement and balance
Reconnecting to your body after an operation in the pelvic / abdominal area
Having a respectful experience of your body after sexual trauma from past experiences of abuse / violation
Addressing shame or guilt in relation to sex / your vagina
Desiring to feel more connected to the Yoni / pelvis
Moving towards healing emotionally from an operation / abortion / miscarriage
Receiving nurturing touch without a specific goal
Creating space for old emotions related to past experiences to be felt
Exploring another level of self-care and self-nurturing
Learning specific practices for pelvic wellness
Creating a more loving connection with your Yoni
Feeling clearer in your body awareness and boundaries
Getting to know your way around this part of your body
Just feeling curious to learn more and discover different parts of your body
Having an embodied experience of all the sensations in your pelvic space
Navigating ways to address painful or uncomfortable sex
Moving through libido challenges
Opening to different ways to explore pleasure with a partner
Releasing old habits of self pleasuring that might not be serving you (ie. Relying on a vibrator to reach orgasm every time)
Finding out what’s possible in terms of pleasure beyond the clitoris
You’re wanting to feel more confident in the bedroom
Support in the transition to menopause
Support in your fertility journey
Ending a long term relationship and rediscovering your body again
Reconnecting to the vagina and pelvis when things feel different after birth
Feeling held and acknowledged in your birth experience
Making friends with your vagina again if the birth didn’t go as planned
Supporting emotional and physical healing after a difficult birth
Preparing your body for birth physically – relaxing, creating space
Working specifically with internal areas that will support birth
Learning tools to take home for preparing your pelvis for birth
Letting go of old emotional tension / stories before birth
What happens in a Yoni Mapping Therapy session?
Located in Sydney
Initial Yoni Mapping Therapy sessions are always 3 hours long and are a combination of:
Coaching and initial consultation – we sit down and have an informal chat about what’s going on for you. There’s space to share ANYTHING that feels important – all of you is welcome!
Education related to pelvic wellness, sexuality, pleasure anatomy etc – we support you to fill relevant gaps.
Home-Play – We give you specific practices to take home to deepen your connection with your body and your pelvis.
Nurturing whole body massage – one hour of relaxing bodywork to soften into receiving and being nurtured.
Therapeutic abdominal & pelvic massage – releasing tension and congestion in the belly and pelvis, bringing more blood flow, relaxation and sensitivity.
Gentle external and internal vaginal massage and mapping
If you feel comfortable to proceed (consent is a big part of this work!), we work gently externally and internally to release tension and restore blood flow, sensitivity and awareness.
You are oriented to your internal pelvic landscape – we are in communication the whole time, following physical sensation that arise as we massage different areas in the pelvis. It is at this stage, that we would together be practicing Somatic Experiencing. During the process I will be attuning to and tracking your nervous system and prompting you at different points to support your body to integrate and resource.
We navigate through your Yoni, exploring areas of numbness, restriction, disconnection and muscle tension. Together, we literally create a map of your innermost world – discovering what feels tight, what feels relaxed, what feels good, where certain emotions arise, how your internal pelvic sensitivity is, and more.
Afterwards, most women feel more aliveness and sensation in the pelvis, a deeper connection with their body and newfound sense of respect for their vagina. Every session is completely different because every woman is unique.
1 session x 3 hours at $550
3 sessions x 3 hours at $1,400
It is one of the most beautiful, empowering, informative and healing things I’ve ever done with my pussy. Mariam is incredibly intuitive, holds space in a way that makes you feel completely safe, held and free to explore, let go, ask questions and be present to whatever emotion/feeling may show up.
For anyone who is looking to be “better friends” with her pussy, learn how your pussy reacts to different types of stimulus, learn more about how your whole body is connected to your yoni, etc. I think this type of work is deeply empowering and I’d super recommend for you to give it a go.
- Rebecca
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes – most of our clients will feel some nerves before a session, which is totally natural. Usually afterwards they’ll be surprised how ‘normal’ and natural the whole thing felt.
We are really focused on creating a safe and comfortable space for the sessions and making it feel fun and interesting. NOTHING is forced or pressured, and you are empowered to set your own boundaries in the session.
We work with informed consent and clear communication throughout and you are fully respected in the experience. Please do book a free initial consultation if you would like to have a chat and ask questions.
It is understandable that you might feel this way. It makes sense to feel nervous about the unknown. Rest assured that working in this way is gentle, calm and meditative and deeply empowering.
In fact, most women report feeling extremely safe and relaxed throughout the whole experience. This is the beauty of working with the somatic body with someone who is trained and skilled to hold you in this way.
No, cathartic release is not necessarily always helpful in the case of trauma- it can often lead to dysregulation in the nervous system which can cause re-traumatization.
Often women come away feeling deeply safe, nourished, whole, centred and grounded in their body, spacious in their yoni and pelvic bowl. They often report feeling more connected to their softness, femininity, sensuality and aliveness.
We do not (and cannot) claim that Yoni Mapping Therapy treats, prevents or cures any medical or psychological ailment.
All clients have different experiences from their sessions. Many of our clients have experienced Yoni Mapping Therapy as being beneficial for their overall wellbeing. Many clients have also experienced a marked improvement in or resolution of their specific issue.
Many clients do report that they have noticed improvements or feeling more empowered in areas such as mental health, emotional healing from past experiences, energy levels, libido, body image, stress levels, body connection, intimacy with a partner, awareness of pleasure, motivation for self care and capacity to assert clear boundaries around their body and sexuality. Others who have had pain, numbness or stinging on penetration have reported feeling pleasure and desire for sexual connection where there was once fear and pain.
Having said that, Yoni Mapping Therapy is not about ‘solving’ or ‘fixing’ anything, it’s about connecting with your body.
“Once you approach your body as a relationship to discover rather than a problem to fix, you start thinking in a whole new way.” – Jena La Flamme
Yes, if it’s safe to have sex, then it’s safe to have a gentle pelvic massage. Sex can press on the cervix quite consistently, and in this bodywork for pregnant women we don’t focus on the cervix at all.
The way we work with pregnant women is SO soft and gentle – there’s nothing sudden or intense in any way. The internal pelvic work is intentionally slow and relaxing and we don’t press anywhere near the baby. We have cushions to raise your body so you’re comfortable.
Massage is a great way to prepare for the birth, especially stretching around the perineum to make space for the baby and prevent the likelihood of tearing or episiotomy – which is something that many midwives and birth workers do! We also work specifically with internal ligaments that can have a positive impact on the babies passage through the birth canal.
It can also be super empowering for you to consciously re-engage with your pelvic muscles that you will be relaxing (that’s right) to actively birth your baby.
Try to schedule your session at a time when you’re unlikely to have your period.
However, if it does happen that you begin menstruating not long before a session, please contact me to reschedule your session. These sessions can be particularly powerful at day 4 of your cycle when there is heightened sensitivity. It can also be a beautiful way to honour the power and beauty of your bleed, resolving any shame or disgust around bleeding.
Even though it seems pretty out there, Yoni Mapping Therapy all about exploring what’s happening IN your body, where spiritual beliefs and/or faith, religion or political gender matters are not relevant.
Yes, you have. This space is a safe space for you to explore your unique experience of being in YOUR body. There are no heteronormative narratives or expectations for you to be subscribed to, to access this support. Rest assured you will be treated with the upmost care, respect and curiosity you need to safely explore your body and experience. Please feel free to book a free initial consultation with me if you feel to have a more in depth conversation about this and ask questions.
Who Is This Modality Not Appropriate For?
Yoni Mapping Therapy is not currently right for you if:
you have JUST given birth recently – please wait until at least 6 weeks postpartum before a session.
You have JUST had an operation in the abdominal or pelvic area – please wait at least 6 weeks before a session to give your body a chance to heal.
You are CURRENTLY in a state of trauma – this modality is not beneficial if you are in a distressed and unstable mental state. Please seek appropriate support if this is the case. We recommend seeing a psychologist.
You are under the age of 18 – we are unable to offer sessions to those under 18.
How Many Sessions Do I Need? How Far Between Sessions Should I Book?
One Yoni Mapping Session is excellent for those who have an established practice of embodiment and feel confident to integrate the tools shared in one session or would simply like to "dip their toes in". However, one session without your continued practice, will not translate to an embodied life long transformation of your sexuality.
A package of 3 sessions is designed for those who desire to be supported to cultivate this practice over time and the embodiment tools necessary to create this life long transformation in a sustainable fashion. This package is also for people who have been facing long term blocks and are ready to invest the time and energy to resolve these challenges.